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Healthier habits with Social Media that help your mental health

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

The link between social media and mental health is complex. Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can help us stay connected with the people that we love, discover new places and inspiring people. It can also have a detrimental effect, in which we spend hours scrolling looking at someones' "perfect life" ending with us feeling anxious and drained. Research on the subject is in its infancy at the moment, particularly around the impact on young people's mental health.

I've recently taken a little social media break, on my own company page and it reminded me, that taking a social media detox now and again can be good for your mental health.

How taking a social media break can be helpful:

➡️ Technology can be stressful

➡️ Digital devices can disrupt sleep

➡️ Constant connectivity affects work/life balance

➡️ Social comparison makes it hard to be content

Not ready for a full detox on social media? Don't worry there is plenty of healthier habits you can adopt with social media that can help your mental health.

Healthier habits you can adopt around social media

✅ Be intentional when you use social media

✅ Focus on your real-life friends

✅ Limit the time you spend scrolling each day

✅ Follow people and pages that bring you joy

✅ Avoid using social media before bed

✅ When you’re out and about, live in the moment

Founder of Cotswolds Counselling. Cotswolds Counselling is based in Malmesbury near Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Helping children and teenagers from Cirencester, Tetbury, Stroud, Cheltenham, and surrounding areas.

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